Radio Show Archive(s):

October 30, 2010

(November 6, 2010 was a reply of the October 30 show above.)

November 13, 2010

On 12pm CST every Saturday

Third Rail Topics for Today:

Here are some of the items discussed on the October 30, 2010 episode.

Citizens Against Government Waste Commercial:

Deficit Trials TV commercial, that was purportedly banned in 1986:

Mr. Wallace, the author of the essay below, was a New York Delegate at the Continental Congress 2009. His assessment below is worthy of review. - TM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Wallace
Date: Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 10:12 PM
Subject: The Federal Reserve is a Criminal Enterprise: It's Time to Investigate and Prosecute Them


The Federal Reserve recently announced that it would be repeating their previous con-game trick called "Quantitative Easing" that they say is designed to save the American economy. "Quantitive Easing" is a process by which the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury conspire to print a massive amount of new "fiat money" backed by absolutely nothing in order for the Federal Reserve to buy American government debt. In other words, they are using phoney money to buy back their own debt. Don't you wish you could pay off your debts, just by printing your own dollars backed up by absolutely nothing? Please tell me how this move by the Federal Reserve helps the American people?

You see, when the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury enter into a criminal conspiracy to print more fiat money, it puts more American dollars into circulation, which in turn lowers the value of the American dollar, which in turn causes you to pay more dollars to buy the same things you bought at a lower price a month or two before. Our money is worth less; it causes inflation and our cost of living goes up. Please tell me how this move by the Federal Reserve helps the American people?

Radio Show Archive:Hour 1

On 12pm CST every Saturday

Third Rail Topics for Today:

Follow up on Bob Schulz's TIME magazine hit piece, and the attorney's letter to Bob regarding Bob's refutation communications.

Iowans For Accountability
and their research and efforts in Scott County, Iowa.

Jonathan Narcisse, Iowa Party candidate for Governor, continues his 99 county tour in Iowa, with a recent stop at Des Moines Amplified studios to broadcast his address:

Why Iowans Should Vote YES for a Constitutional Convention

AND his address

How We Reorganize, Reduce and Re-prioritize State Government.

Radio Show Archive:Hour 1

On 12pm CST every Saturday

Third Rail Topics for Today:

The independent Iowa Party candidate for Governor, Jonathan Narcisse is our guest today.

Radio Show Archive:Hour 1

On 12pm CST every Saturday

Third Rail Topics for Today:

Today's guest is Robert L. Schulz, aka Bob Schulz, Chairman of We The People Foundation.

I first became aware of Bob when I watched the documentary America: Freedom to Fascism. I was fortunate enough to meet Bob in April 2009 in Davenport, Iowa as he was crossing the country organizing a modern day Continental Congress 2009.

Radio Show Archive:Hour 1

On 12pm CST every Saturday

Third Rail Topics for Today:

Dr. King, a PhD Medical Chemist and Eileen Danneman, Director of the National Coalition of Organized Women discuss the dangers of government mandated vaccinations, the disinformation spread by the industry and specifically statistics regarding miscarriages from women who have taken vaccines while pregnant.

Further, Ms. Danneman shares information about the website and the effort to promote information to students directly, bypassing the FDA, the schools and the parents altogether to get the word out.

Side note: Check out the cover story of the River Cities' Reader from Oct 19, 2009, "H1N1: Despite the Media Frenzy, There’s Little Reason to Panic"

The Sunset of the State: Video

Thu, 09/23/2010 - 00:55

A powerful and compelling deconstruction of our circumstances and times. Thank you for sharing Alan!

What needs to change to save the world.

Radio Show Archive:Hour 1

On 12pm CST every Saturday

Third Rail Topics for Today:

Common Sense; Revisited publisher Clyde Cleveland hosts today's show and has as his special guest, Jeffrey Smith.

Mr. Smith is the Executive Director for the Institute for Responsible Technology and author of "Seeds of Deception."

He is a world renowned expert on GMO foods. More info is available at:

"In this sixty minute podcast, Jeffrey Smith describes how the Federal Government has become completely controlled by the five major companies that manufacture GMO products. The inherent dangers to our environment and the health of our families are discussed in detail. The steps we can take now to empower ourselves and get rid of this menace are explained. There is no greater risk to human life on this planet than GMOs. Next week the federal government is set to approve GMO salmon which is the most dangerous product yet to be released into our environment and our food supply. Learn how you can become part of the bottom-up, freedom based solution to this massive problem." - Clyde Cleveland, Your Host for September 18, 2010


Have you seen it yet?!
Republic Magazine's Articles of Freedom Cover issue

The devil will be in the details...

"The legislation will eliminate several FOIA exemptions for certain records provided to the SEC."

“As I said back in July, any exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act, which empowers citizens to monitor their government, must be fashioned with a scalpel,” said Kaufman.

the headline looks good for the sponsoring legislators... but:
a) they should not have voted yes to the original legislation to begin with
b) there should be NO exemptions from FOIA, period.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Grassley Press
Date: Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 2:08 PM
Subject: Judiciary Approves Bill To Repeal SEC FOIA Exemptions
To: Grassley Press

For Immediate Release

Thursday, Sept. 16, 2010

Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Bill To Repeal SEC FOIA Exemptions

WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday unanimously approved bipartisan legislation to repeal exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that were enacted as part of the Wall Street reform bill, which was signed into law in July. The legislation is sponsored by Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), and Committee members Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), John Cornyn (R-Texas), and Ted Kaufman (D-Del.).

The legislation will eliminate several FOIA exemptions for certain records provided to the SEC. The exemptions were included in the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

Radio Show Archive:Hour 1

On 12pm CST every Saturday

Third Rail Topics for Today:

Republic Magazine
Articles of Freedom Cover issue

Illinois Statutes -- reduced Sheriff to Jailer and Process Server
(needs links)

14th Amendment document

North Dakota State Owned Bank’s-only-state-owned-bank-became-envy-wall-street

Michigan's Alt Currency

$123K average annual salary for federal employees

Changing your middle name, legally as a publicity stunt.

Xe (Blackwater) $100M contract to protect the CIA's buildings and structures.

"No one is going to do anything until their ox is gored." - Phil Pozderac