Jonathan Narcisse: Iowan for Governor - Meetup with SuperLiberty.com
Sat, 07/10/2010 - 23:34
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Todd McGreevy
Date: Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 10:48 PM
Subject: Narcisse Video is Live... Re: Meet Jonathan Narcisse - Iowan for Governor
The 60+ minutes of Jonathan Narcisse's discussion with SuperLiberty.com meetup members this past Friday in Davenport, was video taped and is now available in 7 parts, beginning with part 1 at:
He discusses his controversial history with the Des Moines School board, his coverage in the Des Moines Register, corruption he has exposed within the Des Moines School board, how a Narcisse administration would apply zero based budgeting to eliminate non-essential services not provided for in the Iowa state constitution, how Iowa businesses can zero out their corporate tax liabilities by doing business with fellow Iowans, and how reducing taxes should be in line with reducing spending... that's just in the first clip...
This registered Democrat, running as an independent, strikes some extremely pragmatic chords in these clips, devoid of cliche partisan campaign rhetoric, providing details of how a Narcisse administration would cut 10,000 jobs in the state government, utilize the veto authority to curb useless spending, ensure transparency in his administration with live webcasts of the governor's meetings with lobbyists and legislators, and more...
Common Sense Revisited: Radio Show Notes & Links; July 3, 2010
Sat, 07/03/2010 - 11:39
Radio Show Archive:Hour 1
On www.RepublicBroadcasting.org 12pm CST every Saturday
Third Rail Topics for Today:
The Founders Gave Their All
What Price Freedom by John Whitehead
Declaration of Independence with original capitalization.
Restore America Plan Outreach
... and then there are the detractors of this plan... anything coming from Rumormills is suspect in my opinion... what a resource...
The things claimed by Turner regarding CA driver's licenses for instance should be checked...at some point we do need verification.
I do know that we need to take over our counties one by one sheriff, courts, board of supervisors
RAP gave us a pathway, we cannot take it back from the top down, only bottom up.
No Secret Courts Rally Held Saturday June 26
1934 Cartoon Damn Close to 2010
Wed, 06/23/2010 - 20:29
I know this one has made the rounds on email, so I wanted to memorialize it here.
Take note of the bottom left corner author, scribing the game plan.
Plan of Action
Spend! Spend! Spend!
Under the guise of Recovery - Bust the Government - blame the Capitalists for the failure - junk the Constitution and declare a Dictatorship.
Side note reads: "Worked for Russia." Afghanistan broke the USSR (see Charlie Wilson's War the Tom Hanks Julie Roberts flick if you don't believe me) and it's going to break the USA. This cartoon below is either prescient or we just don't learn from history.
Click here for the full size image.

Common Sense Revisited - June 19, 2010 Show Notes & Links
Sat, 06/19/2010 - 13:21
Radio Show Archive:Hour 1
On www.RepublicBroadcasting.org 12pm CST every Saturday
Third Rail Topics for Today:
The Candidate Questionnaire DRAFT
Assembly Post Website
Common Law Courts | Schaffer Cox Videos
Is the Gulf Oil Spill Cam a Fake?
Lis Pendens; Charles Miller and More Claim BP and British Crown Committing Crimes Against Humanity, Act of War
911: Gulf Oil Spill Links, Video & Audio
Solutions Oriented
Power of the Sword, Power of the Purse
#1 Solution: Economic Sanctions
From the Articles of Freedom: "... if the government officials refuse to comply, the People shall engage in a nationwide, well-organized, pro-active, non-violent series of civic actions, including economic sanctions if ultimately necessary, to peaceably procure the relief they are entitled to under our system of governance."
Without education, the people will not take action.
Notice of Lis Pendens; International Maritime Execution
Sat, 06/19/2010 - 11:57
This document is well worth downloading and reviewing from: http://www.restoreamericaplan.net/newsbreak
Notice of Lis Pendens; International Maritime Execution
My questions regarding these documents:
a) the trustees...are these folks claiming status or standing within the defacto corp? I ask because of them NOT stating united States with lower case united...they are consistent
b) its a damn compelling read...if they want it to go viral it needs to be text or html ready so we will have to retype it to ppublish as a web page....assuming all will download and read an attachment is folly
c) is this an attempt to adjudicate or leverage within the defacto system? I ask due to the citation of the UN on the first FAX cover page to the International Court of Justice....
Candidate or Elected Official Questionnaire
Sat, 06/19/2010 - 11:47
This is a DRAFT Document. Feel free to use all or some of this for your own purposes.
Political Candidate Questionnaire
Dear Candidate,
I’m writing on behalf of SuperLiberty.com, a group taking pride in assuring we cast informed votes.
To do so, we must know if you agree with some of our core beliefs, America’s problem, and our goal.
Please help us by completing this questionnaire and returning it by email to Webmaster@superliberty.com.
(Please circle your answers below.)
1. Have you studied America’s Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States,
your State's Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
Yes No
2. If Yes, do you think you understand the spirit and intent of their authors?
Yes No
If Yes, please proceed.
3. Are you or have you ever been a member of the Council of Foreign Relations?
Yes No
4. The Declaration of Independence is our Nation's birth certificate and all of our Constitutions'
cornerstone. For lawful government to exist, it must comply with the principles and policies set
forth in these documents and the Bill of Rights when interpreted in the spirit and intent of
America’s founders.
Agree Disagree
5. Through the US Constitution, the States created the federal government as their AGENT. As
principals to the US Constitution and under the Law of Agency, our States possess the ultimate
authority and responsibility for the proper interpretation and implementation of the US
Agree Disagree
6. Art. IV, Sec. 4 of the US Constitution requires that each State have a Republican form of
government and be protected from invasion.
Agree Disagree
Common Sense Revisited - June 12, 2010 Show Notes & Links
Sat, 06/12/2010 - 11:22
Radio Show Archive:Hour 1
On www.RepublicBroadcasting.org 12pm CST every Saturday
Third Rail Topics for Today!
911: Gulf Oil Spill Links, Video & Audio
Solutions Oriented
Power of the Sword, Power of the Purse
#1 Solution: Economic Sanctions
From the Articles of Freedom: "... if the government officials refuse to comply, the People shall engage in a nationwide, well-organized, pro-active, non-violent series of civic actions, including economic sanctions if ultimately necessary, to peaceably procure the relief they are entitled to under our system of governance."
Without education, the people will not take action.
Find an Articles of Freedom Meetup Near You, Click Here!
Without education, the people will not take action. The Articles of Freedom and the works of the Continental Congress 2009 are the most accessible, most thorough, most documented and most easily digestable resource available at this time.
USA Today Poll Is Trick Question on 2nd Amendment Rights
Mon, 06/07/2010 - 18:41
Every few months I receive a forwarded email with a pre-amble, often customized or re-written by someone, but linking one to the USA Today Poll FROM NOVEMBER 2007:
The big question being: "Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?"
Options are: Yes, No, Undecided.
The forwarded email, of course, beseeches us to answer "YES, Let's show 'em!"
And, of course, sadly the results are 97% YES!
And there are over 6 MILLION respondents (since 2007).
And, unfortunately it is a trick question... my reasoning is below... if you are so inclined please feel free to share with all who will listen...it is at the crux of how Americans view their relationship with our government, servant or master.
If i knew the editor at USToday or thought they would listen, i would have them change the poll... yeah right!
None of the Amendments "give" us our rights... that denotes a privilege that can be taken away was well.
Our rights are unalienable... naturally occurring to us... if given at all, then given to us by our creator.
The Amendments were put there to ensure that government does not "infringe" on our rights that were ours to begin with before government was formed.
The first 10 Amendments were all about what government "shall not" do. There's nothing about what government "shall allow".
So unfortunately the intention of the poll might be good (might be)... but it really is only going to create more uneducated Americans about their God-given rights.
Groveling to Grassley
Mon, 06/07/2010 - 17:33
Here's the list of special interest groups Grassley is meeting with in the next week (pasted in below, from a memo from his staff)... the ones that they are telling us about... at least his office is issuing something to go by... it would be a full time job to keep up with all these folks seeking special dispensation from our oligarchy... wait, he has a huge staff to help him with all this, millions paid for by you and me and our future generations.. what a vicious circle... right before our eyes... i know this is not anything new... but i guess i have rarely noticed the level of detail here...
If the Congress stuck to its enumerated authority, it would not have the wherewithall to even hand out any loot to any of these groups, thus there'd be no meetings to be had... it's time to quit gifting from the treasury in order to maintain the welfare and warfare state... the cycle must be broken.
How can a congress person possibly keep up with all these meetings?
What would you do with a $2.4 million dollar staffing budget?
Think you'd figure out a way to have a staff around you to keep you in power for decades with that kind of financing?
Here's Chuck's staffing, travel, ear marks and more...
His top staffer is making over $167,000 annually...
you can drill down on each staffer's disclosure forms too... see what kind of stocks they own...and where they have a mortgage... Edmunds has a mortgage for property worth $500K-$1M in DC... no wonder they need such high salaries...
Common Sense Revisited May 29, 2010 Show Notes
Sat, 05/29/2010 - 11:48
MP3 Files: Hour 1
On www.RepublicBroadcasting.org 12pm CST every Saturday
Third Rail Topics for Today!
Best Summary Version Available of the Articles of Freedom is Here as a PDF... 6 pages, with extensive footnotes, Bob Schulz Introduction, Summary Chart, Civic Action Pledge and Declaration
Get your copy of the Official 2 Hour Highlight DVD from the Continental Congress 2009. This powerful DVD Includes presentation highlights from each speaker and delegate debates from the floor. Educate others in you community about the issues and why the Continental Congress is such a powerful tool to restore our Country. Running Time: 113 Minutes
**This Official DVD includes the full rights to reproduce and distribute unlimited copies nationwide.
Single Copy Price: Only $17.76