1934 Cartoon Damn Close to 2010
Wed, 06/23/2010 - 20:29
I know this one has made the rounds on email, so I wanted to memorialize it here.
Take note of the bottom left corner author, scribing the game plan.
Plan of Action
Spend! Spend! Spend!
Under the guise of Recovery - Bust the Government - blame the Capitalists for the failure - junk the Constitution and declare a Dictatorship.
Side note reads: "Worked for Russia." Afghanistan broke the USSR (see Charlie Wilson's War the Tom Hanks Julie Roberts flick if you don't believe me) and it's going to break the USA. This cartoon below is either prescient or we just don't learn from history.
Click here for the full size image.

Chicago Mayor Daley on Guns
Fri, 05/28/2010 - 15:15
At a news conference last week, Chicago Reader reporter Mick Dumke dared ask the mayor why Daley felt the city's handgun ban was effective, what with so many shootings and murders in Chicago. Daley picked up a rifle and said:
"If I put this up your butt, you'll find out how effective it is. Let me put a round up your, you know."
Whoa, Nellie!