Common Sense Revisited - April 9, 2011 | US is a Corporation, Jesse Ventura, Academic Complex, Inside Job, Real Counterfeiters?
Sun, 04/10/2011 - 15:04
Listen Live On www.RepublicBroadcasting.org 12pm CST every Saturday
Radio Show Archive(s): April 9, 2011
Today's Third Rail Topics:
NOTE: Saturday April 9th's Show was a technical disaster from the 5 minute mark to bottom half of the hour. We DID recover for the second half of the show. My sincere apologies! Below are the links to the audio clips and video links where available on the topics I covered (or wanted to cover but could not due to tech difficulties) during the show.
Clyde Cleveland's Minnesota Tour for Common Sense Revisited
Visit: www.CommonSenseRevisted.com for the 5 Day Tour Dates and Locations beginning this Sunday April 10th
Obama is CEO of Corporation (Not President of our federal government?!) Says Florida Representative Col Allen West to Judge Napalitano
Audio clip from full video: http://www.thirdrailblog.com/audio/ColWest.ObamaCEOCorportation.mp3 - 32 secs
Jump to the 4 minute mark on the video.
BTW: Found this information at the Adask Blog recently (great blog -check it out!)
Don't believe our government is a corporation?
Check out Manta.com and do a search for your judiciary system where you live:
Judiciary Courts Of The State Of Iowa in Davenport, IA is a private company categorized under Courts. Register for free to see additional information such as annual revenue and employment figures. Companies like Judiciary Courts Of The State Of Iowa usually offer: Court Reporter Service, Superior Court Self Service Center, Justice Court Services, Circuit Court Services and Court Services Unit.
Jesse Ventura on GMA Talks 911 Truth, 63 Docs Government Does Not Want You To See Book, Ron Paul & More
"My government has lied to me so often, they've lost all credibility with me George." - Jesse Ventura on GMA
Audio file - 4 mins 38 secs
Source Page Here, with excerpt from Ventura's Book
Academia's Influence on US Government and Global Finance
President Eisenhower's famous farewell address purportedly included Academia in his written speech, but he changed it for the TV broadcast to be a warning about the "military industrial complex" rather than "military industrial academic complex," instead.
[Here are a couple of articles shedding more light on the theme of academia doing the bidding of government: http://www.clevelandfreepress.com/content/2648 and http://www.countercurrents.org/us-turse290404.htm ]
Inside Job, the Academy Award winning documentary is well worth watching. We tried to play the following clip from the film, narrated by Matt Damon and created/directed by Chris Ferguson.
In this audio clip from the movie, linked below, the filmmakers drill down on the major, and hidden heretofore, influence of leadership in academia and global finance and vice versa. They interview John Campbell (Harvard Econ), Martin Feldstein (Havard Prof, Director AIG 1988-2009), Glen Hubbard (Dean Columbia Biz School, Chief Economist to W. Bush), Frederic Mishkin (Fed Reserve Governor 2006-2008, Prof Columbia Biz School).
- 3 mins 31 secs Audio Clip here
I do point out, on the show, that the only hesitation I have about the documentary is the potential cozy relationship between filmmaker Ferguson and George Soros and members of the International Monetary Fund, as he divulges in the DVD's extras portion: The Making Of Inside Job. That is worth watching and paying attention to.
[For more analysis on the importance of this movie, check out http://rcreader.com/commentary/inside-job-wall-street-government/ ]
So, as I ask on the show today -- what is a free people to do when the deck is stacked so clearly against them? What alternatives are available to a free people to maintain their own wealth and prosperity derived from their own means?
One such idea was the Liberty Dollar project put together by Bernard von NotHaus, which I have mentioned on previous shows and blog postings.
Peter Schiff recently interviewed vonNotHaus on his daily radio show and then he put out a very compelling 15 minute youtube video promoting the hour long interview.
For today's show I played an 11 min clip of that Schiff video.
I wrote about how important this clip was at this blog posting here earlier.
Peter Schiff points out with common sense clarity that, "all US coins and currency is basically counterfeit." And he goes on to very succinctly explain how the government calling NotHaus a terrorist is ridiculous on its face... "Who is he terrorizing?! Are we to fear a silver medallion? The only one being terrorized is the government itself," says Schiff. It is well worth a listen.
- 11 mins 26 secs Audio Clip here
We end the show talking about what can we do locally?
And I refer to a meeting with one of our local county supervisors where I challenged him to think about foregoing concerning oneself with the moving target of the EPA's "Attainment" air quality standards and running our own county in our manner.
This was in the context of a discussion about Agenda 21 and the proposed county Sustainability Plan.
What would a county look like that was truly self governing, I asked him.
He admitted that he had ever thought about such a position to take. And I told him that I did not expect him to act on that today, but I wanted to plant a seed with him to be thinking about such prospects.
Let's plant some more seeds.