Common Sense Revisited - April 27, 2013 | Is Immigration a Civil Right? Eric Holder Might Think So...
Sat, 04/27/2013 - 21:59
Radio Show Archive(s):
April 27, 2013 - 1st Hour
April 27, 2013 - 2nd Hour
Listen Live on Republic Broadcasting Network 1pm - 3PM CST every Saturday
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Today's Topics and Show Links:
Is Immigration a Civil Right?
Eric Holder might be trying to make it so.
From the first hour:
McGreevy: Why is it important that we pay attention to what US Attorney General Eric Holder statements on "pathway to citizenship and what he calls, 'undocumented'?"
Eib: It goes well beyond all the people that are already here. The people that have already established themselves here, where I grew up there were kids who were kids of undocumented workers and and we all went to school together, and to me they were all Americans, they were my friends. So, him [Holder] addressing this in this way, has me concerned because everything I see Eric Holder do seems to be towards destabilizing our country. And, if you were to turn the consciousness of the country, or get the country to accept the idea that as we use the term for civil right, which is not a commercial reality, but the way people talk about civil rights, those are very very highly regarded rights. And the way Eric Holder is talking is that immigration is a civil right, so basically if he's able to move forward he can destabilize the country by creating an influx of people who demand the civil right to immigrate here. And, that is a dangerous thing, but I do agree as you will hear in the clip, the way he's using the term "civil right" I think there could be a pretty strong argument made that he's right. And, that's why we have to be so careful and really keep on a short leash all of our politicians."
2nd Hour:
Jerry Kirk - regarding aliens as a class are a prime.
Miller v Albright
Title 22 Impermissable Passport
Title 8 Sec 1101 (?)
A national owing permanent allegiance to a state
US Nationals
citizen nationals
SCOTUS Noah v ??
US v Caroline Products Corp 304 US152 1938