21 & Manifestos
Wed, 05/21/2008 - 23:50
A must listen radio station:
Listened to The Fire Team for Freedom show a couple nights ago.
Ran across Mike and Jake's show, The Fire Team for Freedom... these two IN natives radio show on
former Marine and Army guys, they are brothers who do a very cool radio show.
Then this evening got on the air with Steve and ???? just before the Fire Team show...
When asked if I thought this rEVOLution is only in its young stage, I agreed but stated we should be focusing on the 2010 Congressional election.
He agreed but said that was the next short term goal.
They said that delegate development tools were coming (my words not his) at two sites which were going to go live very soon:
Neither site up yet. Stay tuned...
I also tried to impress upon their listeners the strategy for educating all of the GOP delegates nationwide, despite whatever outcome of the convention... Ron Paul's campaign should consider distributing The Revolution book and a pocket constitution on each state and national delegate's chair... free up $300K to make it happen... there are those of us out there that will get the distribution handled.
The origins of that idea are fully explained here:
Default Manifestos & Pocket Constitutions for Every State Delegate?!
As each state goes thru its District and State GOP Conventions, imagine every Delegate getting a copy of the Manifesto and a Pocket Constitution...
We just had Iowa's 1st Congressional District GOP Convention in Dubuque, IA.
Despite all the shenanigans, all the hijinks yesterday, no one ever even thought about telling us we couldn't put up signs or distribute bling to the delegates.
Ron Paul's campaign or Ron Paul supporters in each state, ought to look at investing in a package no delegate can resist.
So yeah, at the State Convention and maybe even National, Ron Paul peeps are providing handy Ron Paul pocket constitutions and a copy of the Manifesto to all the one would dare leave one of those behind no matter whose picture is on the back right?
Gee, wonder if McCain wishes he did that?
That would mean he would have to pretend to follow it.
It is so simple.
Makes a statement, and furthers the cure Dr. Paul has prescribed for some time --- read the Constitution more often... damnit.
3000 state delegates in Iowa in June --- about a $1500 investment for the pocket constitutions (we may be able to make that happen)
50 states x 5,000 delegates each =250,000 pocket consitutions...
50 cents each
$125,000 + logisitcs/labor to see that every state convention is blinged with a pocket C before the big meet in Twin Cities.
This does not include cost of soft back Manifesto book.
Wonder what a bulk rate would be?
Surely RP's $5M war chest would see the value in this?
Surely they've thought of it?