Chicago Mayor Daley on Guns
Fri, 05/28/2010 - 15:15
At a news conference last week, Chicago Reader reporter Mick Dumke dared ask the mayor why Daley felt the city's handgun ban was effective, what with so many shootings and murders in Chicago. Daley picked up a rifle and said:
"If I put this up your butt, you'll find out how effective it is. Let me put a round up your, you know."
Whoa, Nellie!
Article V: Equal Suffrage in the Senate
Sun, 05/23/2010 - 23:57
Phil Pozerdarc hosts "Positively Unconstitutional" every Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. CST on the network.
He always has fascinating discussions, callers and guests.
This last week, he had a caller, Roger from Kansas, expound upon the meaning, significance and function of the last clause of Article V of the Constitution. He stated that it was the most controversial clause of the entire convention. He stated that it was the last clause approved before it went to a vote of the states.
It reads:
"... and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of equal Suffrage in the Senate."
Listen to the segment by clicking this link below:
This is a 20 minute segment worth listening to more than once.
Fiore: I Love Both Obamas
Sun, 05/23/2010 - 11:47
Mark Fiore is a surgically cynical as they come. I always forget to check out his site. I have signed up for his email notifications.
"I love both Obama's because together, at least one of them is always right!"
"There's a little something in Obama for everyone to love, you just have to find the right Obama for you."
"You see, one way or another Obama is right!"
Dale Peterson Campaign Ad Rocks
Wed, 05/19/2010 - 23:54
"I'm Dale Peterson and I'm after the Republican nomination for Agriculture Commissioner of Alabama."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Todd McGreevy
Date: Wed, May 19, 2010 at 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [SuperLiberty] FW: Dale Petersen for President!!
oh my... Dale, you have my vote and i don't even live in Alabama.
wow. love this.
this guy needs further looking into for sure.
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 11:30 PM, k jo bur
Count me in. K
Subject: Dale Petersen for President!!
Wow what an ad!!
Amazingly Cogent OpEd in the NYTimes
Mon, 05/17/2010 - 10:15
You may do a double take on the source of this surprisingly balanced, cogent analysis of the onward march of big government and its inability to solve problems.
Excerpt from The Great Consolidation: "If consolidation creates a crisis, the answer is further consolidation. If economic centralization has unintended consequences, then you need political centralization to clean up the mess. If a government conspicuously fails to prevent a terrorist attack or a real estate bubble, then obviously it needs to be given more powers to prevent the next one, or the one after that."
Full article at:
Common Sense Revisited May 15, 2010 Show Notes
Sat, 05/15/2010 - 13:21
MP3 Files: Hour 1
On 12pm CST every Saturday
Today's show was broadcast live from the Embassy Suites Hotel in downtown Des Moines, Iowa. The Campaign for Liberty Regional Conference, titled "The Future of Conservatism in America" is being held here from May 14th-16th. Guest speakers include Congressman Ron Paul, Thomas Woods, Bruce Fein and others. Details of this conference are available here.
Today, Clyde Cleveland the founder and author of the namesake of this radio show, Common Sense Revisited, was on hand to co-host the show and line up all the guests. We packed alot into one hour including interviews with:
Michael Badnarik - - Constitutional Scholar, Author and Educator
Thomas Woods, Jr. - - Constitutional Scholar, Author and senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, AL
David Ratowitz - - Candidate for US Congress Illinois District 5
Bob Parker - - Candidate for US Congress Missouri District 8 (via phone)
Will Johnson - - Candidate for US Congress Iowa District 1 (via phone)
Phone Interview w Pam Dennis
Thu, 05/13/2010 - 12:43
Below is a link to a 30 minute interview I conducted with Pamela Dennis on Thursday May 13, 2010.
Ms. Dennis alleges she was denied a jury trial in 2002 over a city ordinance violation issue related to the animals she was keeping in her home, which she claims she ended up winning anyway in 2003. However, she claims that in 2008 when she needed to access those records again for some reason those records had been changed, showing she did not win the case.
Further, in October 2009 Ms. Dennis states she was evicted from the home she had lived in for nearly 25 years, her mother's home at 182 17th Ave, East Moline, IL (her mother who owns the home is named Dorothy Dennis, and she lives in AZ now). Ms. Dennis claims she was given a 24 hour notice that the city did not uphold, rather physically removing her from her home in October 2009, citing that Lt. Regan from the E. Moline police department grabbed her and bruised her and she was not given the 24 hours to gather her things and make arrangements for her animals. She claims she has been told if she goes back on the property, she will be arrested for trespassing and the city took her keys.
She claims that the mortgage is continued to be paid and taxes are up to date on the property. Meanwhile, she is living with her son in Davenport, Iowa now.
She claims that the day she was removed from her home, Patty Ranch (sp?) and Gail Parker from Animal control were also both there.
Ms. Dennis' theory is that the city of E. Moline wants to control that property for some reason and that they are violating resident's rights in order to gain control.
Mother's Day on the Arsenal Island
Mon, 05/10/2010 - 23:15
Sunday afternoon, I drove my wife Kathleen's Uncle Bill to the Arsenal Island Cemetery in Rock Island, IL. Bill wished to visit his wife's grave, having been married to her for over 60 years and missing her sorely...she had been laid to rest here over three years ago. Bill and his wife Carmella both worked on the Arsenal Island prior to WWII. Bill went off to the east coast to train fighter pilots in flying P-49's and P-51's while Carm stayed home working as a typist during the 40's. They had two sons, William and Thomas. Bill put a single rose, for each son, amongst the two dozen carnations he placed at her headstone this sunny, cool afternoon.

Common Sense Revisited Radio Show Notes: May 8th 2010
Sat, 05/08/2010 - 11:58
MP3 Files: Hour 1
On 12pm CST every Saturday
Georgia Guidestones
Former CIA Op: Robert Steele
Lt. Col Lakin on Anderson Cooper
Ron Paul's Liberty PAC
NoAgenda Show on
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 19:22
Adam Curry and John C Dvorak host an internet radio show and podcast twice per week, Thursday and Sunday morning.
Sunday, May 2, 2010 episode touched on a new nutritional standards website and commented on its content.
Click Here to Listen to the Clip
Hear more No Agenda at