Bob Barr HAS Taken the Red Pill?
Sat, 08/23/2008 - 22:56
This article on Nolan Chart prompted a pretty succinct comment:
Posted By: Benjamin Vander Jagt
Date: 2008-08-23 07:48:00
Ron Paul is a great man with a spotless record. My family has known him since the 1980's, and we can say that he is not a flip-flop artist like the vast majority of politicians.
Liberal Positions Gaining Popularity According to McClatchy
Sat, 08/23/2008 - 22:25
This has to be one of the more vacuous and sophomoric pieces to come out of the liberal media.
Does this author really believe or even understand how ridiculous the argument is?
--- Today, she added, "there is a growing understanding that government can play a positive role in investing in our country."
What changed? Several things: ---
Ron Paul is the Way Out of this Mess
Fri, 08/22/2008 - 20:34
Superb argument for consolidating, collaborating the third parties under one umbrella and Ron Paul's celebrity, integrity and mobilizing voters from the grass roots up, media be damned.
Start Your Own State Tax Party
Fri, 08/08/2008 - 03:09
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 editorial page of the Wall Street Journal featured a headline "Boston Tax Party."
Full text below.
Couple quick thoughts:
a) Why would MA be the last place the WSJ would expect a tax revolt?! Talk about reverse indoctrination... remember the Boston Tea Party?
Time to Revisit Ron Paul's Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001
Sun, 07/27/2008 - 14:05
John R. Stoeffler (a Ballwin resident and president and cofounder of the Madison Forum, a constitutional think tank dedicated to upholding the principles of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence) writes at
"Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution supplies the answer: Congress should grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal.
Just what are "Letters of Marque and Reprisal" you ask?
Nevada GOP Sued by its Own Members
Sun, 07/20/2008 - 01:53
A group of state Republican delegates are suing the Nevada GOP to try to earn representation at the National Convention.
The lawsuit comes just two days after the State Party announced it will appoint national delegates without re-convening the initial state convention.
The group filing the lawsuit mostly consists of Ron Paul delegates, but one activist says the litigation is less about McCain versus Paul and more about right versus wrong.
Who wants to go to MN September 2nd?
Mon, 06/16/2008 - 20:41
By now readers know that Ron Paul officially withdrew (decent ABC interview about the CFL: from the 2008 GOP presidential nomination race and began phase II of the Ron Paul rEVOLution, the Campaign for Liberty (aka CFL), which includes a rally that according to Ron Paul, the media themselves have coined "alternative convention" to be held September 2nd across the river from the establishment GOP convention in St. Paul -- two days prior to McCain's coronation.
(that is a long run on sentence, sorry.)
rEVOLution Takes a Licking But Keeps on Ticking
Wed, 06/04/2008 - 22:32
Now this is a petition with some teeth...what a cogent argument as to why John McCain is certain to lose and Ron Paul has a chance to actually beat Obama... all the while bringing the party into unity.
The sign up process is clear cut and secure. Well done to whoever organized this petition. Let's hope the GOP establishment reads it and heeds it. The sad thing is, I think McCain knows he's going to lose... he's taking one for the team, just like Bob Dole did...the duopoly team of Republocrats that is... time for a changing of the guard...
McCain Says: The General Election Begins Tonight
Tue, 06/03/2008 - 23:34
I signed up for John McCain's email list.
It's a portal into a sad state of affairs in American leadership....
Note how McCain's vision for moving forward is NOT going back to our Constitutional beginnings (or "back" as he puts it) but looking forward as the world's leader.
Definitely not quite clear on the concept anymore is McCain. Even if our constitution established a goal of the Republic for the union of states to BE the world leader, we sure are doing a shitty job of that.
I digress... let presumptive nominee speak for himself.
Thu, 05/22/2008 - 00:49
Check out this grid:
Shows the proposed spending for national budget by candidate, as well as positions on major issues in an easy to read matrix, that clearly illustrates if and where candidates differ.
Proposed Government Spending Changes
Huckabee +$54.2
John McCain +$6.9
Ron Paul -$150
Hillary Clinton +$218
Barack Obama +$287
They source the National Taxpayers Union: